Monday, October 14, 2013

Golf will hit us when we´re down

"Golf will hit us when we´re down" is the title of Chapter 2 of my EBOOK:


 (Those of you interested in purchasing the book, or reviewing, free of charge, the Index, the Introduction and part of Chapter 1, can do so by clicking on the above title of the book).

In this Chapter, I put forward the seven reasons that explain why golf is so difficult in comparison to other sports or games.

I am convinced that it is essential for golfers at all levels to clearly understand the reasons that explain this tremendous difficulty of the game of golf, and the reasons for so much pressure and propensity to colapse in competition.

Three of the seven reasons are the following:

The first is that the golf course is just packed full of obstacles. Only matched by some types of motocross, golf courses are full of trees, water, out of bounds, bunkers, rough, sloping fairways and lightning fast greens, among others.

The second is that 95% of the time we play stroke play. In other words all shots count. And we don´t get any mulligans. And just one bad shot can ruin the best of rounds.

The third reason is all about having too much time to think during a normal four and a half hour round. It´s what I call in my book "paralysis by analysis" or "mental stew".

Proper understanding of the seven reasons that explain the enourmous propensity of players at all levels to collapse under pressure situations is essential for expert golfers, as well as for mid and high handicappers.


From this Chapter, "Golf will hit when we´re down", come two vital conclusions in order to properly develop a solid Mental Method to overcome pressure.

1. The first conclusion is that it is vital in golf to always plan each shot and putt in the most rigurous and conservative manner posible. Easier said than done. Because this is an activity that we carry out via our Conscious Mind, and, in many instances, this mind does a poor job, because, as I explain in Chapter 1 (The Power of the Mind), it posesses a relatively ineficient processing capability, specially under pressure.

2.  The second conclusión is that it is vital that the golfer know how to ensure an always positive, confident and optimistic "Golfing Recorder" (Unconscious Mind), to compensate for all the times that "golf will hit us when we are down".

Understanding these concepts are essential in order to play great golf consistently and to know how we can  appropiately apply the Mental techniques and behaviors that I recommend in my book.


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