Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Mental Golf Book is now available in English

Dear golfing friends and followers of my BLOG.

I´m proud to announce that by book on Mental Golf is now available for purchase on AMAZON EBOOKS.

The book is called:


Those of you who might be interested in buying it can do so by clicking on the above mentioned title.

The spanish language versión has now been available for a few days:

GOLF MENTAL: EL PODER DE LA AUTOSUGESTIÓN CONSCIENTE, and also can be bought be clicking on this title.

This book is the result of five years of studying the Mind and Golf, my personal experience in applying my Mental Method and it´s associated techniques and behaviors in pressure packed competitive situations, and my experience teaching dozens of Mental Golf Workshops and Clinics in the last three years.

What follows is a summary transcript of the book´s INTRODUCTION and a short description of each Chapter.

In Chapter 1, THE POWER OF THE MIND, I summarize the most relevant points which I have learnt regarding the functioning of the mind. The key point in this chapter is what I call our golfing recorder, which is nothing more than our self-image of the moment as golfers, and which is located in our unconscious mind.

Chapter 2, GOLF IS GOING TO HIT US WHILE WE ARE DOWN, is a brief summary of the main characteristics of golf. What makes it different to other sports and games, and some crucial conclusions. At the end of the chapter we focus on one of the keys of mental golf, and that is the need to rigorously and conservatively plan every shot on the course.    
Chapter 3, SYNCHRONIZING MIND AND BODY. This is the great Zen and Buddhist concept, which teaches us that in order to carryout great golf shots, it is critical that our mind and body be totally synchronized, in the Present Moment, while hitting every shot or putt.                                                                                       

In Chapter 4, THE METHOD OF CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION is an explanation of the origin, the key definitions, and the governing laws of the method developed by Emile Coué. This is the only chapter where I don´t refer to golf. I believe, very sincerely, that this approach is so simple and powerful, that it is not only applicable to golf but to almost all aspects of our lives.                                                          

Chapter 5, CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION AND GOLF, summarizes the huge potential that I believe exists for the application of the Coué method for the game of golf. Here, we begin to understand the impact of the Laws of Conscious Autosuggestion in golf and the manner in which we can positively apply this knowledge in order to strengthen our minds.                                                                       
Chapter 6, THE TRIANGLE OF MENTAL GOLF, is a summary of what we have learnt up to this point, and underlines the three main pillars of Mental Golf. Rigorous and conservative planning of shots, synchronization of mind and body as we hit the shot, and the always positive, optimistic and confident “golfing recorder” all become integrated into one powerful Mental Method, capable of makinga difference in those moments of extreme pressure. 

                                                                           Chapter 7, THE DO’S AND THE NEVERS OF MENTAL GOLF, refers to a list of twenty-four techniques, habits and practical behaviors, all based upon what we have learned regarding the functioning of the mind and the Conscious Autosuggestion Method, which helps golfers of any level correctly apply sound mental practices on and off the course.                                                                

Chapter 8, is called GREAT COLLAPSES OF WORLD GOLF. The objective here is to illustrate through real life examples, the most common mental errors made by golfers when under pressure. Here I explain the mental mistake, or mistakes, incurred in by players who are on the top of the world rankings when faced with extreme pressure situations, and in some cases some positives of how they handled the disappointment. This helps to gain a better understanding of the teachings and concepts explained in this book.                                                                                    

In Chapter 9, MENTAL EXERCISES VIA CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION, I explain the idea of performing mental exercises off the golf course, in the same manner we exercise to strengthen our physical condition. I have no doubt that the reader who decides to dedicate a few hours weekly to this, is going to benefit enormously from this book. The method of Conscious Autosuggestion and its associated techniques are extremely appropriate tools to achieve important results in strengthening our mind for golf.
Finally, I end with some conclusions and thoughts outlined in Chapter 10 named CONCLUSIONS. 
I sincerely hope that this book may be of the maximum benefit to my readers, with my best wishes for an improved and more enjoyable game. 

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