Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The eye doctor who helped Ernie Els win the British Open

One of the highlights of Ernie Els´ victory speech last Sunday at Royal Lythams, was his special thank you to fellow Southafrican doctor Sherylle Calder, who has been key in his short game and putting turnaround this year.

According to Sherylle Calder´s web page, she teaches a "visualization" program called  Eye Gym, and she is very well known in South Africa and in Great Britain for helping a host of elite sportsmen and women, and teams, from Rugby, Hockey and Soccer, to cannoeing, shooting and, of course, golf, among others.

What doctor Calder does, some call it visualization, in principle, does not have too much to do with the mind. Basically she teaches a program that trains the player to effectively use his/her vision and to appropriately use the eyes.

EyeGym is basically a computer based software program that teaches visual training. The technology involved is last generation high tech, and the training drills are the result of years of experience in coaching visual performance skills on a worldwide basis. It is a one in a kind training program, second to none, according to doctor Calder and her many loyal and satisfied clients.

Sherylle Calder
 Some of the benefits are the effective use of both eyes with maximum coordination, better timing when striking a ball, better spacial awareness, a more efficient and longer decision making process and a higher capacity for focus during extensive periods.

Very interesting to me as a Mental Coach is Calder´s claim that through better eye and vision training, more accurate messages are sent to the brain.

Some feel that Els´ British Open win is almost miraculous. After all he tried everything for ten years without results.And he now is back at the top, thanks to this great win and his close relationship to the extraordinary doctor Sherylle Calder.

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